Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Gettin' Crafty

As I mentioned earlier, now that I feel like I actually may survive two kids and the fact that I'm in baby prison still a little-I've been craftin' it up. I DO NOT consider myself a crafty person, but with the heroin addiction that is Pinterest, how can you not get the bug. I took an idea and then put my own twist on it. We needed a pillow that tied in my oldest daughters bed with the baby bedding and crib we currently had.

I just used a pillow I already had, sewed a peach cover with fabric I had used for the chandelier cord cover and free handed some felt trees that I tacked and hand stitched on. I think it worked out pretty well and all with materials I already had. Not sure when and what the next project will be, but I'm sure with the cooler weather (well for CA), holidays and multiple children I will find a few more things make.

1 comment:

  1. Soo cute! I love it! I don't consider myself crafty either but pinterest makes you want to crafti it up all the time. Once Chad and I get our own place I will go crazy with new ideas.


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